Thursday, September 4, 2008

The Next Chapter?

With Warhammer Online getting ready for launch and open beta just hours away I find myself going through the same 'ole routine. I am clearing out the weekend for game time, doing some preventive maintenance on the old PC and lurking around my favorite game forums.

Since my introduction to this addiction, the anticipation for the new expansion, game or even the monumental game update has never changed.

It's always presents, wrapped and ready to open.

The several MMO's that I have had the pleasure to spend time in were beautifully wrapped and like any adolescent, I madly tore my way inside. As with most presents they all get some use even if it's for a short time but eventually some get shelved.

Everquest had its moments.

The fond memories of traveling form Qeynos to Freeport and in the early days that meant running. Seeing Highpass for the first time with the faces carved in the canyon walls was nothing short of breathtaking.

Everquest didn't get stale it just gave way to better graphics and the “New and Improved” Everquest II.

Like many other gamers I like to see whats new. I may be having a great time where I am but it seems dabbling with something new is always tempting.

It's that unopened present that haunts me.

I envy those gamers that have stayed with that one “main” game for it's duration. They have created for themselves a reputation a legacy and home. Maybe Warhammer will be that home for me, only time will tell.

...patching for open beta now.

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