Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Running down hill with baby Jesus.

Okay, the title may be extreme and I am sure I'll pay for it later but I stumbled across something today that made me just shake my head. There is an Anti Spore Blog. I have read many articles and blogs in the past that have been very brash and opinionated but none as amusing as this. Anti Spore

Apparently this blogger Mom has taken up a crusade against the new game Spore, EA and the designer Will Wright. Spore is a "massively single-player online game" that allows a player to control the evolution of a species from its beginnings as a single cell organism to interstellar exploration. If you have not heard or read anything about Spore, then please leave your cave now and look here Spore.

I agree that everyone has the right to an opinion and especially the freedom to voice it in whatever medium they see fit. Of course I also reserve the right to grab a bag of pretzels, a cold beer and watch the fun.

Religion and personal conviction is a powerful state of heart and mind that can lead one to do great things, but without wisdom it may do more harm than good. This blogger believes that Spore teaches evolution and evolution is “Bad Mmmkay”!

The object of the game is to evolve from a “spore” into demon-like intelligent space creatures that violently take over the galaxy.  I decided that Electronic Arts needs to hear from concerned people such as myself that this sort of game is not acceptable, and created this blog to find support and share information and progress with anyone who feels the same as I do.

Yes, the game allows the player to choose how the character looks. But the game guides you through the evolutionary theory.
If you create a character that functions badly, and you can not eat, or fight, or move fast. You have difficulty surviving. Thus you must through trial and error select a design that works. Which is the fundamental “survival of the fittest” theory behind evolution.

God did not create us through trial and error. He did not make millions of mistakes until deciding on the final concept. Each of his concepts were perfect on the first try.

I do believe every parent needs to take responsibility for what their child may or may not take part in. We can't remove what may “appear” to be evil, only instruct, teach and prepare. A crusade against publishers, developers and designers is not going to make these demons go away.

/puts soapbox away.

The read is an interesting point of view, (One post and 'nuff said) but the responses were the most entertaining. It did remind me of some forums that I tend to lurk around. I really liked the post about getting Jack Thompson to represent her and then the "strikethrough" after she realized 'ole Jack was the Real Slim Shady.
It makes me wonder of this is a gimmick or stunt, well played out for hits and attention.

With the advertisement “COMBAT ARMS; online FPS action, FRAG FOR FREE” attached to her blog, the Crusade falters. I feel like there are more important things a person can make a stand against, but a poor single cell organism trying to make a way, isn't one of them.

1 comment:

Wolfgangdoom said...

There is an old saying that I find to be more and more accurate as I get older: If one cannot win with reason, go with volume, if volume fails, go with relgious tactics. Most of the population feels bad when they assualt a person's religious beliefs and as such, your argument will be nearly bulletproof.

I agree with you 100% that there are many other topics out there more important than arguing the moral implications of a video game, but there in lies the beauty part: by focusing attention on a video game that could or could not promote the idea of evolution, the protester doesn't have to waste countless hours doing research on a subject like say... economics. They can just build upon their already preformed opinions and roll with it.

I encounter this style of argument all the time inside the arguments of my wifes pastor. They are very clear, require little to no research, and can be wrapped up in about 20 minutes. Perfect for todays quick fix, instant oatmeal American society. :)