Friday, November 19, 2010

It's all about the ride....

 I am a gamer. I game, that is my mission in life. To boldly go where no armor clad male has gone before....riding a Rabbit.

Game Bridger announced earlier this year it's new "free to play" game portal  Gamekraft, a global gaming platform where gamers can download and play free online games.

Priston Tale 2: The Second Enigma by YD Online, a Korean based game publisher and developer, was their flagship "Free To Play" title. This was highly anticipated by their fan base and has done very well among the critics and Blog-a-sphere.  Of course I like free so off I went.

This really isn't a review, more like an observation. The anime, soft child like features that seem to be the  recognized graphic trademark, are always expected. The acceptance of non-gender specific roles, where a certain class is only male or female. This of course is something that gamers have grown past over the years. Nobody really cares if you play a male or a female toon anymore. All of these are expected traits....but the bunny was a new one for me.

Right after character creation you have available, in your inventory, armor, weapons, health potions and a mount. Don't see many games giving you a mount within the first few seconds of entering the new world, even if it does have a fluffy tale. It was a Sick Rabbit.

I saw what was described as the "mount" icon in my inventory and it said "Sick Rabbit". Of course I never read on how to play a game, controls, the guides, until after I have died, got lost, or ride a bunny. Actually I still haven't read any of the instructions to this game yet. I know..I deserve all the hurdles I go through.

When I materialized my Mount to ride off into adventure, I had this voice in the back of my head yell "HEY ROCKY, WATCH ME PULL A RABBIT OUT OF MY HAT!" Rocky and Bullwinkle fans will appreciate that, others will wonder who the hell Rocky and Bullwinkle are.

As I squeaked and hopped around the courtyard staring between floppy ears to navigate, I just couldn't feel tough enough. I can play a female toon, but I just can't ride a rabbit. I guess after a few more years of MMO gaming it won't be what you ride, but how you ride it.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you are so funny man. Just accept the reality , and ride that bunny. Go further ingame , you'll get what you deserve. But before that bright future , you must go with this big fat bunny . Remember the name =))