Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Everquest Smorgasboard...and there is Pie

The inter-webs have been busy on the SOE announcements concerning Everquest and Everquest II. It's a feast, a SOE feast of goodies to sink your whatever into.  Everquests 17th expansion , Everquest 2 expansion Destiny of Velious, EQNext. All the beefy tidbits that I could grab from my fav reading spots about Fan Faire 2010, had me begging for more. It appears that some great content is coming for EQ and EQ2 Fans.

Even if Everquests “House of Thule” sucks, just having 17 expansions is epic. Revisiting Velious and seeing the landmarks I remember including Velks Lab has me looking forward to Destiny of Velious. The crowning jewel though, the Pièce de résistance,  is EQNext. Mark my words, this will be the most followed development since Brad McQuaid announced Vanguard: Saga of Heroes.

Everquest had the Love/Hate relationship, the Bitter/Sweet of Gaming. Traveling time sinks, the corpse runs, it was the elitists true and only real game. My move from EQ into EQ2 wasn’t due to boredom or because EQ was to hard and had too many time sinks. It was because the graphics in EQ2 was breath taking. As I've said before the cosmetics of a game is important to me.

The in game screen shots are promising and the bitter sweet of EQ will migrate to EQNext. My only hope at this point would be open zones like Vanguard, continue that feel of a vast open world and shelve the days of running along the zone walls. If SOE will truly build off the original EQ concept and salt and pepper the fine points from their other games, crafting, trades, diplomacy, flying mounts, even extending Bard abilities similar to the musician trades in Star Wars Galaxies. Okay, yeah I am reaching here but this really has some fantastic possibilities. This will be the one to watch.

Please snag the following links for more info..

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