Monday, December 27, 2010

Apologies for being quiet and the “Closet Drive By” edition...

This is your LAST CHANCE. After this, there is...Image by kirainet via FlickrHope the Holidays are going well with everyone, time with family, friends and a little R&R. Life has been busy here, along with the Holidays I am the proud owner of new work hours. Naturally being thankful for being employed, but trying to adjust to the “Rabbit Hole”, I was hoping for the “Blue Pill”.

Down the Rabbit Hole?Image by FadderUri via Flickr

It's the overnight shift that I am trying to get used to and it's turned my world upside down. I have no doubt that I can adjust, millions of people have, it's just getting there. I miss my pod-casts and time on air and hope to be up and running again soon after all, new is just around the corner.

We are creeping up to the New Year and very soon the busy season will be behind us. I like new stuff because it''s new. The New Year is like a blank piece of paper, empty, unexplored newness to create whatever we are able to create.

The old piece of paper is marked with mistakes and corrections, our finest moments, accomplishments and the occasional “Oops”. The old paper is wrinkled from use and completely covered, no room for anything else, it's now old and used. It's what we do with the old that determines how we take care of the new.

Some will just toss the old paper away because after all, it's old. Others will smooth out the wrinkles, frame and hang it where they can use it for reference. I don't think there is a right or wrong way, only your way. Some are very confident on how the old piece of paper was used and shred it with the other unneeded documents on life. I fall into the paper hoarder crowd.

My file cabinet looks like someone eating with their mouth full, it's a small 2 door file cabinet with 3 decades of old paper. For me it has nothing to do with confidence, I just enjoy seeing where I have been. I can't wait for the New stuff, I cant wait to get used to the Rabbit Hole and I can't wait to see what my hobby, “Massive Multiplayer Online Games”, have coming in the new year.

Whatever your hobby, your get away, your R&R may be, I hope it's always fresh and new.

Happy New Year.

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